Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Hungry moms are not to be trusted

I head home to Worcester for my Mom's birthday. I think about getting a cake, but why get a cake when what my mom really wants is Indian food and oatmeal raisin cookies from Au Bon Pain. I decide I will stick a candle in a cookie.

I get home early afternoon. My mom says,

"I'm starving. I need a snack."

It occurs to me that I don't need to save the cookies until later, I could light them up now. I tell my mom,

"I'm going to wrap presents, I'll be right back."

"No, you just got here."

We sit and chat for a little bit. Then I try again,

"I'm going to wrap presents, then I'll be back."

"Stay here."

We chat some more and my mom says,

"I really need a little something to eat."

"Mom, I will be right back, I'm going to wrap presents." With that I grab a plate out of the cupboard and head upstairs. My mom calls after me,

"What do you need a plate for?"

"Don't worry about it."

I return with wrapped presents and the cookie with a candle in it. I start to sing Happy Birthday. I'm one line into the song with three more to go. My mom leans for the cookie. She's about to blow out the candle and start eating it. It is time for a split second decision. It's her birthday, should I let her do whatever she wants? No way. I exclaim,

"Mom! What are you doing? I'm still singing! And then you have to make a wish."

"Oh. I just wanted to eat the cookie."

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