Friday, August 23, 2013

Bar manager you're right, there's a penis bone

My boyfriend and I head over to my bar manager's home for dinner. The conversation quickly dissolves. My bar manager declares,

"Did you know that people get the same good feeling from petting a dog that women do from breastfeeding?"

Sounds possible but there's only one person in the room who would really know and it's not my bar manager, my boyfriend or me. Although we've all petted a dog.

My bar manager continues,

"Dogs also have a real bone in their penises."

"No way."

"It's true."

"I don't believe you."

I go home and consult Google. There is a penis bone. Many mammals have one. Not humans. There is also a female equivalent: the clitoris bone.

A raccoon penis bone necklace.
If only there were matching clitoris bone earrings.


  1. also, chimps do have a jealousy, tony asked if i was hungry, and i asked for a burger, and chingis was insulted, and was, like "can i have a burger?!"
