Wednesday, April 02, 2014

How many box jokes before you blush?

There's a cocktail on our menu called "Jess' Juice Box." As my mom will tell you, that is a double entendre. Not everyone gets it right away, but when they ask,

"Is Jess' Juice Box any good?"

"Oh it's delicious."

Then we can usually proceed to many more box jokes. Is there any higher level of humor?

Last night a regular glances at the menu,

"How is Jess' Juice Box? It looks different."

"It's better than ever."

"I'll try it. I want it sweet."

"Oh it's sweet."

He tries it. I ask,

"How does it taste?"

"Great. Better than the last one."

"I agree."

That last comment wasn't dirty. This incarnation of the juice box is better than the last one. That's the truth Mr. Bar Manager. My bar manager does the creating and I'm just happy if my moniker gets to stay on the menu.

The regular asks,

"What juices are in this?"


"I'm blushing."

"Now you're blushing?"

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