Thursday, May 22, 2014

At this rate how will I ever get to 900 friends?

Facebook. Not my favorite thing. I enjoy seeing the posts from my 17 real-life friends, but the other 852? What are their names again?

A couple days ago a coworker sends me a friend request. I accept. Then her mom sends me a friend request. That's strange. I don't think I've met her mom, but since I already have 876 friends, who am I to tell a coworker's mom she can't be my friend? I accept.

A day later the mom sends me a message,

"Hi Jessica, I received the message that you accepted my friend request, which was really nice of you, but I don't know you, so I will unfriend you, no disrespect intended. Take care."

I report all this to my bar manager. He declares,

"So she friended you, checked out your profile and decided 'no this isn't the sort of person I want to be friends with.'"


  1. Ah, that's sad. She could have read your blog and learned about you without putting you through that nonsense. Blogs are better than FB.
