Wednesday, January 02, 2013

What are moms going for on the open market these days?

A regular talks about his dating experience,

"The women I've met on are very sweet, but they don't have any interest in talking about business, law, or the Thirty Years War."

"I don't have any interest in talking about the Thirty Years War."

"The other problem is that they're old."


"-I know, I know. I'm old. But I don't feel that old and then I look at them and they look old."

"I see."

"The problem is when women... Women go through... When women become... When women..."

"Hit menopause?"

"Yes! That's it. Menopause. Most of them don't look so good afterwards."


"But your mom, she looks good!"

"Oh yeah?"

"I'd find out the cost of her stock and trade."