Thursday, January 03, 2013

I dreamt I got it on with a dentist... Is that permissible?

My regulars are prepping me for the dating world. One has created a list of professions I should date and professions I should not. It's serious; he wrote it down for me.

Dateable options:
  • Biotech
  • Hedge funds: computer, trading
  • Lawyers, major firms only, corporate, IT, or tax law
  • Top level NGO management
Non-dateable options:
  • No Doctors
  • No Government
  • No Artists
  • No Real Estate
  • No Small Business
  • And absolutely no Therapists
There seem to be a few other professions left floating in the gray area. 


  1. I think you should consider engineers. I don't say that out of self-interest, but engineers are what I know.

    1. I have added Engineers to the dateable list!

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