Monday, February 17, 2014

There are more bathroom flowers if you want one too

Valentine's Day. It's the day that we take all the four person tables out of the restaurant and fill it with tables for two. A factory line of romantic dinners.

Couples at the bar seem to be relaxed. Meanwhile I'm getting yelled at for forgetting to ring in the amuse-bouche (the two bites of food that everyone gets before their appetizer). Shouldn't it just come out automatically, like how I don't wait for the guest to ask for a fork?

Captain sent me super gorgeous roses. I have them on display on the back-bar because what's the point of getting flowers for Valentine's Day if no one sees them?

A regular gushes over my roses and adds,

"The roses in the women's room are to die for. I'd be happy to get those for my wedding present and nothing else. They are so beautiful. Have you seen them?"

"Yes, they're lovely."

"Everyone is in there talking about them. They're so nice."

I head to the women's room. I remove a rose and present it to the regular. Here is a rose from the bathroom. You're welcome.

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