Thursday, April 25, 2013

I never practiced my Torah chanting either and I'm a successfully Bat Mitzvah'd Jew

I thought I won my first game of tennis against my imaginary friend, but according to my new bar manager I need to get more than one serve in the box.

Last week my coach told me to do one thing: practice my toss. I arrive at my lesson yesterday. She asks,

"Are you ready to serve?"

I hang my head. Years of piano lessons come rushing to my mind. I'd go once a week; I loved going, but I had little desire to practice in between. I tell my tennis coach,

"I didn't practice."

She shakes her head. She's right. I could've devoted ten minutes of skort shopping time to practice time. Maybe next week. But probably not.

I can still play any one-handed Disney song on the piano. So the moral is that if I take enough tennis lessons, I'll be able to play as well as any five-year-old without ever practicing.

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